You Tubeで話題の「ただよび」の英語。受験はもちろん、基本を見直したいという方にも見られているのではないでしょうか。わかりやすい説明で勉強になるのですが、パターンプラクティスをするには例文がまとまっていると便利だなと思い備忘録を兼ねてまとめています。
・You can stay here if you want to. (許可)
・You may stay here if you want to. (許可)
・You can sing well. (能力)
・The task may be difficult. (可能性)
・The task might be difficult. (可能性)
・The story may be true. (可能性)
・The story might be true. (可能性)
・The task cannot be difficult. (〜なはずがない)
・That story can’t be true. (〜なはずがない)
・You must stay here. (〜しなくてはならない)
・You have to stay here. (〜しなくてはならない)
・You had to stay here. (〜しなくてはならない)
・John has to stay here. (〜しなくてはならない)
・You have got to stay here. (〜しなくてはならない)
・You must not stay here. (禁止)
・We must not live in fear. (禁止)
・You don’t have to stay here. (〜する必要はない)
・John doesn’t have to stay here. (〜する必要はない)
・You didn’t have to stay here. (〜する必要はない)
・The story must be true. (〜に違いない)
・The story can’t be true.(〜なはずがない)
・”May I go to the bathroom?” “Sure, go ahead.”
・Can I go to the the bathroom?
・Can you clean the bathroom?
・Will you clean the bathroom?
・Could you clean the bathroom?
・Would you clean the bathroom?
・Would you mind cleaning the bathroom?
・Shall we dance?
・Shall I make a reservation for you?
・Shall I call Ken?
(同義:Do you want me to call Ken?、Would you like me to call Ken?)
・You may not come.
・You cannot come.
・Ken may not come.
・Ken cannot come.
・Ken might not come.
・Ken must not come.
・Ken should not come.
・I should go home.
・Should I buy the car?
・Ken should be here.
・Ken shouldn’t be here.
・That should be true.
・That shouldn’t be true.
willは未来のことを表すことが多いですが、will notで「どうしても〜しない」という意味でも使います。
・However hard we try, the door will not open.
・The door won’t open.
・The door wouldn’t open.
第58講:couldとwas able to
・I could swim when I was young.
・I could hear the sound.
一度きりの動作にはcouldは使えません。その場合はwas able toを使います。
・Because I had practiced a lot, I was able to win the game yesterday.
・I was able to win the game yesterday.
・I couldn’t win the game yesterday.
・You need not come with me. (助動詞)
・You needn’t dome. (助動詞)
・You don’t need to come. (これは動詞のneedなのでtoがつく)
・You need to come. (これは動詞のneedなのでtoがつく)
・Japan won the prize.
・Japan won the game.
・Japan defeated the opponent.
・Japan beat the opponent.
・You should have come to the party last night. (〜すべきだったのに)
・You shouldn’t have come to the party. (〜すべきではなかったのに)
・Ken may have come to the party.
・Ken might have come to the party.
・Ken could have come to the party.
・Ken must have come to the party. (〜に違いなかった)
・Ken had to come to the party. (〜にしなければならなかった)
・Ken cannot have come to the party. (〜のはずがなかった)
・Ken could not have come to the party.
第59講:used toとwould
used toは「かつてよく〜した」という意味で使います。
・There used to be a library over there.
・I used to go fishing.
1. 人が主語
2. wouldの後に頻度を表す副詞があることが多い
3. 動作動詞がある
・I would often go fishing.
go …ingは余暇にするものが多い
・go fishing
・go shopping
・go swimming
・go hunting
・go bowling
would rather
・Ken would rather not come to the party.
・He‘d rather come to the party than study at home.
・He’d rather not dome to the party.
would better
・You‘d better come. (had better)
・You‘d better not come.
ought to
・You ought to come to the party.
・You ought not to come to the party.
第60講:may well、may as well / might as well、might as well V1 as V2
may well
・You may well be right.
・You may well think Ken is American.
might as well V1 as V2
・You might as well throw your money away as lend it to John.
may as well / might as well
might as well (〜した方が良い)上記のV2の部分がないと考えるとわかりやすいそうです。
・Are you going to lend money to John? You might as well throw it away.
・it’s getting dark outside. You might as well stay home.