You Tubeで話題の「ただよび」の英語。受験はもちろん、基本を見直したいという方にも見られているのではないでしょうか。わかりやすい説明で勉強になるのですが、パターンプラクティスをするには例文がまとまっていると便利だなと思い備忘録を兼ねてまとめています。

第67講:〜erとmore …
母音の数によって〜erかmore …かが異なってきます。
- 母音が1つの場合(tallなど):〜er
- 母音が2つの場合(clevreなど):基本more …で、〜erとなることもある
- 母音が3つの場合(beautifulなど):more …
・Ken is taller than John. (Johnより背が高い)
・Ken is as tall as John. (Johnと同じくらい)
・Ken is not as tall as John.(Johnほど背が高くない)
・Ken is happier than John.
・Susan is more beautiful than she used to be.
・Susan is as beautiful as she used to be.
・Susan is not as beautiful as she used to be.
・Ken is more clever than John.
・The population of Japan is smaller than that of China.
・Ken is taller than me.
・Ken is taller than I am.

・Ken has the biggest house of all my friends in our town.
・Ken is the tallest of all my classmates.
・Ken is the tallest of my coworkers.
・Ken is the tallest in my school.
・Of the team members, Ken can run the fastest.
・Ken can run the fastest of the team members.
・Among the team members, Ken can run the fastest.
・Ken can run the fastest among the team members.
・This is the best movie I’ve ever seen.
・This is the best movie ever.
・This is the best birthday present I’ve ever had.
・This is the best birthday present ever.

「many/much 名詞」を使うときに語順に迷ったら、as…asを除いて文章が成立するかを考えると良いそうです。
例えば、「Ken has as much money as Susan.」は「Ken has much money.(正確には少し変ですが…)」で正しい語順ですが、「Ken has money as much as Susan.」は「Ken has money much.」となってしまい変なのでこの語順にはなりません。
・Ken has as much money as Susan.
・Ken has twice as many books as John.
・Ken has twice as much money as John.
・China is twice the size of Western Europe.
・China is twice as big as Western Europe.
・China is twice as large as Western Europe.
・Ken is twice the age of Matthew.
・Ken is twice as old as Matthew.
・The Tokyo Skytree is almost twice the height of Tokyo Tower.
・The Tokyo Skytree is almost twice as tall as Tokyo Tower.
・The Tokyo Skytree is almost twice as high as Tokyo Tower.
・John is twice the weight of Ken.
・John is twice as heavy as Ken.
・5th Street is twice the length of Franklin Avenue.
・5th Street is twice as long as Franklin Avenue.
余談:muchを使う場合、Ken has much money.とはあまり言わず、以下のような文章で使います。
・Ken has so much money.
・Ken has too much money.
・Ken has a lot of money.
・Ken doesn’t have much money.

・It is much easier to shop online than visit physical stores.
- much/far:差が大きいという意味(例:JohnよりKenがだいぶ高い)
- even:より一層という意味(例:Johnが高くてKenはそれよりさらに高い)
・Ken is much taller than John.
・Ken is far taller than John.
・Ken is even taller than John.
・A much more interesting movie is coming.
・A far more interesting movie is coming.
・An even more interesting movie is coming.

第71講:much moreとmany more、 by far the 最上級とthe very 最上級
much moreは上記のように不可算名詞で使われますが、many moreは可算名詞の場合に使います。
・There were many more customers than we had expected.
・There were many more customers than we expected.
・There were many more customers than expected.
by far the 最上級とthe very 最上級の例文は以下です。
・The house is by far the biggest in the world.
・This movies is by far the best.
・The house is the very biggest in the world.
・This movie is the very best.

・Ken is the taller of the two students.
・Susan loves John all the better for his faults.
・Susan loves John all the better because he is shy.
・Susan loves John none the less for his faults.
・Susan loves John non the less even though he is shy.
・The party will be all the better if John comes.
The+比較級…, the+比較級の例文は以下です。
・The younger we are, the more likely we are to believe others.
・The bigger the room is, the more guests we can invite.

否定語(No other …、Nothing)+比較級
否定語(No other …、Nothing)+比較級は「1番」という意味になります。
・No other material is harder than diamond.
・No other material is as hard as diamond.
・(No other material is so hard as diamond.)
・Nothing is as hard as diamond.
・Diamond is the hardest material.
・Diamond is harder than any other material.
・Nothing is as fast as light.
・No other building is taller than the Burj Khalifa.
・No other building is as tall as the Burj Khalifa.
・No other mountain is higher than Mt. Everest.
no more thanとnot more than
・John has no more than $20.(意味:John has only $20.)
・John has not more than $20.(意味:John has $20 dollars at most.)
no less thanとnot less than
・John has no less than $20. (意味:John has as much as $20.)
・John has not less than $20.(意味:John has at least $20.)